Goethe Prüfung B2 Sprechen – die wichtigsten Redemittel und Formulierungen für deine perfekte Vorbereitung
Mit den richtigen Redemitteln und Formulierungen bereitest du dich perfekt auf die mündliche B2-Prüfung des Goethe Instituts vor.
Individuelle Begleitung mit praxisorientierten Methoden – online und in Präsenz.
As soon as you speak German, Germany and its language will become your new comfort zone. Be it for private or professional purposes, you will walk through your daily life full of confidence.
You would like to support your employees in the onboarding process? My customized trainings will help your expats and internationals to become fluent in German.
German teacher, qualified in businesses
languages: German, English, French and Italian
With me by your side, you'll speak German from the very beginning. You'll be able to talk to Germans straight away and go about your everyday life in German with confidence.
Sadaf, Iran – Expat in Düsseldorf
Taking private lessons is the most intensive and efficient way to learn German. You acquire the language individually tailored to your goals and needs. From the beginning you practice what you really need and can apply it in your daily life directly.
A strong emphasis on speaking leads to a rapid learning progress. In my coaching, you get plenty of opportunity to actively speak German. Apart from this, we will improve your grammar, reading, writing and listening skills. If you like to prove your success, I prepare you for Goethe certificates, and other language diplomas.
My highly experienced kids trainers support your children with individual German lessons, customized to their age and interests. So that they enjoy learning and progress fast. Your kids will soon speak fluently, make new friends, and get along well in German school.
Here you find lots of valuable tips for learning German and for preparing language certificates. Some posts are written in German language. As a beginner do not hesitate to use deepL for translation in your native tongue.
Mit den richtigen Redemitteln und Formulierungen bereitest du dich perfekt auf die mündliche B2-Prüfung des Goethe Instituts vor.
Small Talk – Sinnloses Geplauder? Ganz im Gegenteil, guter Small Talk ist im deutschen Business oft der erste Schritt zu wertvollen neuen Geschäftsbeziehungen.
Deutsch ist für dich eine Fremdsprache und genauso ungewohnt fühlt sich die deutsche Kultur für dich an? Mit meinen Tipps wird dein Weg in den deutschen Alltag leichter.