Learn German

German language coaching for expats and internationals

Learn German in one-to-one. Online, or in Düsseldorf. With a learning program tailored to your personal goals and wishes. At your individual pace and according to a flexible schedule that best suits your life situation.

Confident in German, in private and business life

Does this sound familiar?

🏠 You already live as an expat, or international in Germany or you are planning to move to a German city.

💬 You would like to be able to converse fluently in German. With your colleagues and clients, with your neighbors and with the teachers of your kids.

🇩🇪 For that, you intend to improve your language skills. But you are sceptical about a standard group course can suit your needs.

🌟 You want to have fun while learning and make good progress quickly.

What if ...

Grafik, Kreis mit einem Herz in der Mitte

... you had a private language trainer at your side, who responded exactly to your requirements and supported you effectively in learning German?

Grafik, Schere in einem Kreis

... your language training was exactly tailored to the topics that acutally play a vital role in your life?

... you wouldn't have to follow a set schedule, but could plan your lessons to fit individually to your routine?

... you would soon be able to converse confidently in German in any private or professional situation?

Good news – by my German language coaching all this will be possible!

Let's learn German!

My German language coaching

Tailored to your personal needs and requirement, I offer various options to support you quickly and effectively. Do you live in Düsseldorf? – We may meet in person. If you live further away, or if you travel a lot, we can meet in online coachings.

Everyday German

Everyday German is suitable for all language levels (A1-C2). I customize the course according to your personal needs and goals. In our first meeting I will determine your level and develop your individual training plan based on your prerequisites and targets.

Coaching sessions can be scheduled flexibly. The fee depends on your individual program. 

Skyline Düsseldorf mit Fernsehturm
Grafik einer Sprechblase mit korallenfarbigen Anführungszeichen

"Before I started learning German with Natalie, I had limited vocabulary, very little confidence and hesitant to respond. Natalie has been a fantastic mentor in learning to speak and understand everyday life in Germany. I am much more comfortable with my daily life in Düsseldorf, now.“

Lisa, Expat in Düsseldorf – USA

Hand zeigt auf eine Grafik

Business German

Ein SprachCoaching Deutsch für Fach- und Führungskräfte. – Als Diplom-Kauffrau mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Coaching von Mitarbeiter:innen internationaler Konzerne und mittelständischer Unternehmen, unterstütze ich dich mit Business-Deutsch fürs Management. Ab Sprachniveau A2.

Du lernst, in Meetings und in Gesprächen mit Kund:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen genau die professionellen Worte und Redemittel auf Deutsch anzuwenden, die du in deiner Muttersprache einsetzen würdest. Sei es im direkten Dialog, am Telefon, in E-Mails genau so wie auf Zoom.

Dazu gehört auch ein interkulturelles Mentoring. Hier zeige ich dir worüber beim Business Small Talk in Deutschland gesprochen wird und was ganz allgemeine „Does“ und „Don’ts“ im deutschen Geschäftsleben sind.

Wenn du in einer Führungsposition tätig bist, geht es auch um ein Führungskräfte-Coaching. Möchtest du dich beruflich neu orientieren? Wir optimieren deine Bewerbungsunterlagen und machen dich fit für Vorstellungsgespräche. Wenn es dir darum geht, überzeugend auf Deutsch zu präsentieren, erarbeiten wir gemeinsam die Inhalte deiner Charts und bereiten dich gezielt auf deine Präsentation vor.

Du siehst, es wird ganz individuell mit exakt den Themen, die für deinen persönlichen Erfolg wichtig sind.

Ich bin riesig gespannt darauf, welche deine Herausforderungen und Ziele sind, bei deren Umsetzung ich dir helfen kann.

Gehe den ersten Schritt zu deinem selbstsicheren, souveränen Auftreten im deutschen Business und buche dir ein Kennenlern-Gespräch mit mir!

„When German language skills became more and more necessary for my job in a German company, I started private lessons in Düsseldorf. With Natalie’s individually tailored intensive course, her expertise and method, that really makes German language easy to learn, I was able to progress fast and speak fluently with my customers and colleagues after four month. Thank you so much!“

Marco, Italy - Expat in Düsseldorf
Grafik einer Sprechblase mit korallenfarbigen Anführungszeichen

German for Special Occasions

You already speak German and have an occasion for which you need a particular vocabulary? Whether it's a job interview, a preparation of application documents or a dinner invitation - I will prepare you for your very special occasion. From language level A1, bookable as individual appointments. 

Grafik einer Sprechblase mit korallenfarbigen Anführungszeichen
"Natalie is the absolute BEST! Super thoughtful, patient, attentive.... highly recommended!"
Maegan, USA – Expat in Düsseldorf
Junge Asiatin bestellt Kuchen in einer Bäckerei

Conversation Class

You would like to improve your speaking skills? In a mini-group of 3-5 participants, we practice conversations that are important in everyday life: making appointments, ordering in a restaurant, opening a bank account, and much more that you need every day in Düsseldorf. The course includes 7 appointments of 90 minutes.

„My wife and I decided to take private lessons from Natalie, and we are so glad we did. We are confidently speaking on a solid B2 level.
Through Natalie’s tailored private lessons we have also learned a lot about German history, culture, and how life works here.
Natalie’s professionalism, expertise, passing for teaching, and her personal approach has encouraged us to not only continue to learn the German language, but to fully experience this wonderful country.“

Travis, USA – Expat in Düsseldorf
Grafik einer Sprechblase mit korallenfarbigen Anführungszeichen

German for Kids&Teens

Whether for school, or to make new friends, together with my team of qualified kids trainers, we also promote the language skills of your children. Flexible and effective. Online and in Düsseldorf, at your home. A course for all language levels (A1-C2).
Grafik einer Sprechblase mit korallenfarbigen Anführungszeichen
"Natalie and her team have helped my son immensely over the last several years. He started first grade in Germany with no prior German and is now fully fluent. We could not have done this without the help of Natalie. Highly recommended!"
Lauren, USA – Expat in Düsseldorf
Tasse mit Capuccino für Privatunterricht Deutsch

Coffee Chat in German

A free add-on to all my courses, because I want to give my clients the opportunity to speak German regularly, even beyond their individual coaching sessions: I invite you to regular meetings with other learners in a café in Düsseldorf. We speak German and talk about topics like vacations, experiences in expat life, leisure time tips and much more. A chance to meet nice people, practice German and have fun.

You are not quite sure which program is best for your individual needs and wishes? – Please book a free call with me!

Let's learn German!

So that the German language soon becomes your new comfort zone.

I am Natalie Deckers, German teacher and language coach. In my one-to-one lessons you get plenty of opportunity to speak German. You learn effectively and can put your knowledge into practice the same day. The German language becomes your new comfort zone. And you will fully enjoy your expat life.

In meinem Privatunterricht sprichst du von Anfang an Deutsch und kannst das, was du gelernt hast, schon am gleichen Tag in der Praxis anwenden.

I am looking forward to meeting you!


Das kommt darauf an, wieviel Zeit du neben dem Unterricht zum Lernen und Üben investierst. Normaler Weise dauert es drei bis sechs Monate.

The more you practice, the faster you progress. 15 minutes a day would be great.

Yes, depending on your language level and your goals, I will choose the appropriate books for you. 

Den Ort können wir flexibel bestimmen. Online, hybrid oder in Präsenz.

Regular attendance is important for your progress. Therefore, you should try to cancel as few appointments as possible. If something does come up, please let me know 24 hours before class starts. We will then find a new time for you to make up the missed lesson without additional fees.

If you want to take a vacation, we will schedule your appointments accordingly in advance.

Yes, you will receive a monthly invoice that you can submit to your employer for reimbursement or use it for tax purposes.

Any question left? Please contact! I am looking forward to your email: deutsch@nataliedeckers.de
